Tuesday, March 15, 2011

African football players in Asia

Young african football players are a hot commodity in Asia.
For more than a decade, a host of young footballers, overwhelmingly under the age of 18 (more than 3,000 since 2000), have left the African continent to try their luck in Europe and Asia, according to the website of Association foot solidaire, a non-governmental organisation based in Paris, which fights against mistreatment of young African footballers.
The mafia-type characters who extract money from parents, most of them poor, take young Africans to Asia now with the promise of a trial at a big club. In the end, many of them are abandoned in the street, with no means to support themselves.
Other come by themself and try to find a club with hope to get a good salary.

photos: Pascal Della Zuana

© Pascal Della Zuana
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1 comment:

  1. hello pascal,
    i have a question i am seeking an african friend of mine. He said that he was going to malaysia. Do you know somebody upthere who is in contact with african footballers?
    thank you
